
The VRI Dimboola community has built from scratch over the past few years. Together they have created a local meeting place and attract members of all ages. They have been inventive in fundraising and support is given from all members to look after maintenance and restoration of the hall.

The VRI Dimboola won the centre of the year award in 2018!

New members are always welcome!


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DIMBOOLA VRI CENTRE Annual Report 2021

We have sold another 50 VRI Dimboola beanies, our fourth season (200 beanies in total), proving quite popular within the Dimboola and surrounding community. We have now gone global selling into New Zealand and Montana, USA.

In January 2021 we had a visit from the VRI President, Dave Matthews and his wife, Rachel. It was good to show him around the hall and improvements done by our committee and members.

Our annual Barefoot bowls competition in conjunction with the Dimboola Bowls Club was another successful season coming runner up in our Division. We had great weather and it was a good event well run and supported by the locals between lockdowns.

Membership has maintained at its current number of approximately 47, still aiming for our 50 membership milestone.

Dimboola VRI hall is a finalist once again, being nominated in the Victorian Tidy Towns, Heritage and Cultural Award for hall improvements and community support. Winners announced November 2021.

We have had more displays added to the hall including a framed 1950’s VRI football blazer.

We have currently just completed a working bee of the gardens surrounding the hall.

We are looking forward to when restrictions are lifted in Victoria and a return to our usual activities and friendships at Dimboola VRI. Members can continue to follow the Dimboola VRI Hall’s progress and activities on our Dimboola VRI Hall Facebook page.

We would like to thank Katherine Jackson and VRI head office for their support and encouragement throughout the year and look forward to our continuing partnership.

Paul Sanders, President, Dimboola VRI

david visits dimboola